Doctor Referral Form

With your help, we can begin your patient’s assessment for treatment eligibility.

Referring a patient to CA Clinics

CA Clinics connects eligible patients with a network of healthcare professionals and specialists in natural medicine. We can work alongside their own GPs and specialists in a team care arrangement if suitable.

To begin the eligibility process, it is helpful for us to have a completed “Doctor Referral Form” from a patient’s GP or specialist, along with a “Medical History”.

Doctors can use the online form or PDF below.

*Note that a referral is preferred, but not mandatory.

Online Doctor Referral Form

Want to know more about CA Clinics services?

We understand that patients might be hesitant and want to learn more about the pros and cons of natural medicine.  

Instead of jumping straight into a paid consultation, patients can choose to book a 15 minute COMPLIMENTARY Screening Appointment with a CA Clinics’ allied health professional.

During this phone or video appointment, patients can be assessed for their suitability for treatments and ask questions.

Medicinal plant-based doctors Australia